The future

To be at home, secure and stable. A dog. A gentle, gregarious fame. To go on projects wonderfully thoughtful, to give them my all. Attract all that is beautiful, hold space and transform all that is in pain. So many are in pain. It excites me, to know I can free them through humility and grace.

I know not what the other wants, only they do, just as they know what I can offer to them- as a well, let the people come and draw their water out. I only need to be still and pure.

The music that will play, the people that will flow in and out. Relationships and intimacy, grand adventures that rejuvenate. Little difference between work and play. Freedom. It is possible.

To model, perhaps act. To brush hands with creativity, form my own world. Realise the vision, of peace and love for all. What else is there?

To model, to travel and to have a dog. Fun clothes to wear and use responsibly. Figure out recycling, invest money into the future by giving it away now. It will return, that is certain. Heh, the greatest way to hoodwink people is by being generous in the moment- they believe you choose charity over wealth, but the truth is known only to you that this money will yield greater fruit than any land, stock or gold.

To have a life of freedom, so I can spend all of my time paying attention to people. So I can learn each day new ways to reach them- be it new concepts or better writing, music or paintings.

Such a beautiful life.

To model and have a dog.

Take the dog to parties, my constant companion. Leave early, perhaps take a new friend along the way out- walk under the night sky and bid goodbye.


