Making strange places a bit warmer

Having joined late, I once missed the ‘introductions’. It was a camp and they had already begun to socialize and I was out cold. Over the days I couldn't tell someone their shoe laces are undone or call them in the corridor. All because I didn't know their names.

Same situation happens again but this time everyone used name tags. I could pronounce their names and remember them better as visual senses were used too. I got closer to group B than group A. It showed the the importance of names. As Dale Carnegie put it- someone's name is the sweetest sound to them.

Sure someone remembering your name makes you feel good, but someone remembering your name amidst a sea of strangers makes them cling on to you. It tricks them into thinking you're friends and who knows- maybe you will be.

After realizing that I started wearing a name tag wherever I might meet new people. A much more effective method so I don't have to depend on the initial introduction phase where names are exchanged but not used either because they're forgotten or due to the fear of mispronouncing them.